Giraffe Information

Giraffe Information Index

  • Giraffe Habitat
    Giraffes are native to Africa, but each subspecies inhabits a different area where exist diverse types of vegetation. While giraffes used to roam most of the continent, now all subspecies dwell in defined areas where several of them are national parks.
  • Giraffe Feeding
    Giraffes feed on seeds, fruits and a wide variety of vegetation. However, their favorite food is the Acacia, a tree that has dangerous thorns which giraffes are adapted to manage with their thick saliva and prehensile tongue.
  • Giraffe Reproduction
    Giraffe reproduction starts with males struggling to earn the right to mate. The dominant males have access to the available females of the herd, which after mating have a gestation period of around 15 months before delivering a six feet calf.
  • Giraffe Anatomy
    Giraffes have a unparallel anatomy in the animal world as no other animal has such height or a neck with a length that has puzzled scientist for a long time. Even more, they feature the longest tail of all terrestrial animals and a 20-inch long tongue.
  • Giraffe Communication
    Giraffes do not have a distinctive sound because scientists think that some of the sounds the emit are in a range of frequencies that the human ear cannot detect. However, we can hear some of their vocalizations and watch their nonverbal communication.
  • Giraffe Evolution
    Giraffe evolution still has many enigmas, but probably the explanation of the growth of such long neck is what has kept scientists busier. This feature has been the subject of many theories to justify the reason for its development.
  • Giraffe Predators
    The African savannah is not an easy place to survive, and the impressive size of giraffes do not save them from the dangers around. Being surrounded by expert carnivorous hunters puts them at risk at all times, mainly the vulnerable offspring.
  • Giraffe Social Structure
    Giraffes are social animals that live in herds with dozens of members, although most of these groups include mothers, their offspring, and several young individuals. Some mature adults prefer to stay alone.
  • Why do giraffes have such a long neck?
    This question has baffled scientists for a long time, and two theories try to clarify its origin and development. However, a new hypothesis attempts to explain this unique feature.
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